Friday, 30 April 2010

The Strangest Super-Heroes Of Them All!

Tonight we finished X-Men #1, and Magneto flipped out when he met the X-Men. They fought, and Magneto threw a rocket fuel tank at them, but they made an ice igloo and a tunnel to protect themselves.

In the end, the X-Men won, but Magneto escaped to his secret underground lab. I liked the end of the story, my favorite part was the tunnel one.

Regards to all my blog readers!
Professor Dinosaur

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Magneto Strikes!

If you're reading this, I think I'd like you to keep reading my blog. Today my dad and I read the second part of X-Men #1 (he's still got a sore throat, so he can't read the whole thing in one sitting). In this part, a new girl arrived at the X-Men's School, Marvel Girl, she's very beautiful, with a blue cardigan, and two gloves. Her power is telekinesis, that means she can move stuff with her mind.

The Professor explained that there's good and bad mutants, and right after that, we saw one of the bad ones. Magneto attacked a military base, making all the weapons and tanks move alone, and wrote his name in the sky with magnetized dust. That's his power, magnetism. He captured all the soldiers, and claimed the military base as his own. TO BE CONTINUED!

This was fun, I liked watching Magneto attack the base. Magneto's my dad's favorite character... he just told me that's why he uses the name MaGnUs. Turns out Magneto's not actually bad, he just does wrong stuff sometimes... like me, when I misbehave.

Bye bye!
Professor Dinosaur

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

First Post! First Mutants!

Welcome to my blog, I'm Professor Dinosaur, and I'm five years old. I live in Uruguay, and I like comics, like my dad, MaGnUs. We've read some comics together before, but now we decided to start this blog, and talk about the comics we're going to be reading every day or so.

Tonight we read the first part of (Uncanny) X-Men #1, from 1963. That's the year my uncle Daniel was born... my mom and dad weren't born yet! Dad read some parts in English so I could practice, but he only read a few pages of the comic because his voice got tired.

Let me tell you about the story: Professor X calls the X-Men with his telepathic powers; they're Cyclops, Iceman, Beast, and Angel. He calls them to train in the use of their powers, and they did good, but they stopped training because Profesor X had a telepathic vision that a taxi was arriving with a very beautiful new girl student. TO BE CONTINUED!

I liked the comic a lot, my favorite characters were Cyclops and Iceman; and my dad's was Beast. My favorite part is when Iceman's ice cube explodes in a million pieces.

Well, talk to you tomorrow,
Professor Dinosaur