Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Attack Of The Cyborgs!

After a few days, here are, with indy night. It was the turn for Atomic Robo V1 #5, and Robo went to a castle with a lot of rotting wood doors, an old base for his arch-enemy Helsingard. He found a lot of machines, and in particularly, a room with a lot of tanks with displays that said "AWAKE".

The tanks had cyborgs inside, and they started attacking. His action scientists started fighting the cyborgs, and the most effective weapon was the lightning gun... but then Helsingard showed up, and said it was time for Robo to die.

There was a second, shorter story, in which Robo fought an enemy in a mental battle. Robo's mind was in the shape of a cloudy woman, and he lost his arm... but only in his mind. The cloudy woman mind was very funny.

Good night,
Professor Dinosaur


Hoosier X said...

Dear Professor Dinosaur

I think you may have the best blog ever.

More Silver Age X-Men!

Professor Dinosaur said...

Well, thank you for your comment, it was very nice, and I liked it a lot. Keep reading. Tonight we'll take up reading and blogging again, it's DC night; but tomorrow we'll go with some Silver Age X-Men.