Monday, 24 May 2010

X-Men: First Class (Second Time!)

Tonight was Marvel night, an we read X-Men First Class #1. The X-Men went to the botanical garden, and a plant attacked them, but it didn't want to attack them. It turned out it was a creature that was under the artic ice, and some researchers were about to hurt it with a drill... and it just wanted to live off the rest of its life.

Professor X used his powers to contact the creature, and they learned what happened. It had like tentacles but made of plants, and eyes, many eyes.

The story is told by Bobby, or Iceman, writing a letter to his mother. In the end, he broke the letter, because it was full of information that someone might read and find out what really happens at Xavier's School.

My favorite part was when they fought the plant, and my favorite character was Professor X. I like him because he has mind powers, and used them to communicate with the creature.

Good night,
Professor Dinosaur

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