Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Join The Circus!

Tonight was Marvel Night, so it was the Avengers turn again, specifically, Avengers: The Origin #2. Hulk joined a circus, because he was hiding in one of their trailers, but the circus people were nice to him. The other heroes learned through Thor that this seems to be Loki's doing, because of their siblings rivalry... Loki is the god of strife, chaos and lies...

Thor and the other heroes couldn't agree, and they didn't believe that he was a real god, so he left to deal with Loki on his own. So, the other heroes were going to use Iron Man's tech to boost Ant-Man's helmet range to talk to ants all over the country, to find Hulk.

My favorite part in this comic was when Hulk was found by the circus folks, and they took him in because they all had in common that they were very much like Hulk, because they didn't fit in elsewhere.

Good night!
Professor Dinosaur

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